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Couple at an Event

Chit Chat Series

What is Chit Chat?

Small Talk; Light Conversation; Casual Talk

This series will help you to strengthen your small talk skills.  Our videos

allow you to participate and interact with the characters.  Keep coming back as more videos are posted.

A Short and Sweet Meet

In this video Mary and Janet meet at the park by chance.  Listen to their short conversation and then  join in the fun.  


S1 Janet: Mary? Hi, how are you?

S2 Mary: Hello Janet, I’m well and you?

S1 Janet: I’m fine thanks!  Do you come here often?

S2 Mary: Actually yes, I do.  It’s one of my favorite places to visit after a long day.

S1 Janet: I hear you, there’s nothing like being in nature on a such a beautiful day.

S2 Mary: Oh, absolutely.

S1 Janet: Well, I hope to see you again soon.  I am on my way to pick up my kids.

S2 Mary: Ok great! Drive safely.

S1 Janet: Thanks, you too. Bye.

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Phrasal Verb - Follow up, Follow Through and Follow Along

In this video the family is excited about their daughter Mitzy's birthday party.  All they need to do is confirm the cake order.  Let's watch and see how they use three phrasal verbs using the verb FOLLOW.  Enjoy!

Comprehension Questions:

1. How many "FOLLOW" phrasal verbs did you hear?


2. Which was the main problem of the video?

      a. The birthday party was cancelled.

      b. The parents forgot their daughter's birthday.

      c. The birthday cake wasn't confirmed with the bakery.


3. Who failed to follow through with the cake order?

      a. The wife

      b. The husband

      c. The bakery


4. What was the solution to the cake problem?

      a. They will make the cake themselves

      b. Go to another bakery

      c. There was no solution


1. 8   2. c   3. b   4. a

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